Day 12: Social Justice: Do Black Lives Matter...or do All Lives Matter?

Maybe the answer is easy; maybe not? 

Discussion Question: What does an author's language and point of view tell us about their attitude and purpose? 

Social Justice?
If a white police officer, or white person kills a Black man or woman, freeways are blocked, police stations are protested and every fee-based poverty pimp is looking for a reporter or camera to get in front of. But when our Black youth, filled with hate, stupidity, fear and lies of the Rap game gun down other Black boys, babies, girls, moms, dads and grandparents and those who are trying to do better, people in Black Lives Matter clearly show us they do not.

Q: What does an English class or lesson have to do with Social Justice? 

A: At some point and time, some of you may become activists concerned about the outcomes of people who have been wronged by society. This requires a sharp wit as well as a knowledgeable keyboard with a person who can successful express themselves with words, facts and research. This lesson is built off the discussion question in regards to the author's language and point of view; not everyone will see the world as you do and it's important to make your point. 

2. Black Ink II: The Year of the Black Male by Don Allen, M.A. Ed.

Homework Note: Please response in your journals after reading each article. (30 Point Bonus at the end of the session.)

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